Regulations and investigations

The Québec Court of Appeal has ruled that cooperation with a police investigation by voluntarily disclosing privileged documents will not automatically waive privilege with respect to third parties (Centre universitaire de santé McGill c. Lemay).[i] The decision compliments a wider legislative trend towards encouraging cooperation with criminal investigations (including, for example, Immunity

From the Panama Papers, to WikiLeaks, to Watergate, whistleblowers have been instrumental in exposing corruption and abuses of public trust. That is why so many countries have laws to protect whistleblowers. Except Canada.

Canada’s whistleblower protection laws have received serious criticism from international watchdogs. This post looks at what protections are available, and how they

Au cours de la dernière année, les législateurs et les autorités gouvernementales du Canada ont redoublé d’efforts pour lutter contre la corruption et la violation des droits de la personne au sein des chaines d’approvisionnement mondiales. De tels efforts ciblent souvent des multinationales dans le but de leur imposer des obligations de vérification diligente concernant

Over the last year, legislators and government authorities in Canada have increased efforts to combat corruption and human rights abuses in global supply chains. Such efforts often targeted multinational corporations (MNCs), with the aim of imposing anti-corruption and human rights due diligence obligations on MNCs that will ensure compliance among their small and medium-sized enterprise

Que l’on croit ou non qu’elle constitue un mode de paiement légitime, on ne peut nier que la cryptomonnaie s’insinue récemment dans la société en général.  En effet, qu’elle serve à des dons pour les « manifestations pour la liberté » à Ottawa[1] ou encore que des pays approuvent le bitcoin en tant que