health insurance

Insurance Europe has published a response to the European Commission consultation on proposals for a regulation on the use of artificial intelligence.

Insurance Europe welcomes the overall objective of creating a principles-based framework of requirements and the development of mandatory requirements for high-risk AI systems that pose a risk to  health and safety or the

The adoption of a draft law amending criminal law provisions protecting insurance related information will finally enable life insurers to make wider use of outsourcing by removing disclosure to service providers from the scope of Sec. 203 German Criminal Code (StGB) under certain conditions. In spite of some uncertainties, this is a major

Just as telematics has been supplementing motor vehicle insurance underwriting, Australia’s health and life insurance markets are embracing innovative technologies in the form of “wearables”.

Underwriters traditionally rely on pre-policy questionnaires and proposal forms to assess risk and set the terms of cover they will accept; however, the information that can be obtained provides only