Photo of Stephen Lee

Stephen Lee

Authors: Liz Hastilow, Ray Giblett, James Morris, Rajaee Rouhani, Stephen Lee, Jeremy Moller, Charles Nugent-Young, Merren Taylor, Timothy Chan, Joshua Kan, Steven Li, Liam Mackay and Mia Blundell.

Regulatory activity in the financial services sector picked up between February and April 2024. Notably, ASIC made an opening statement before the public inquiry into insurers’ responses

In the latest instalment of our Regulation Around the World series, Financial Services partners in over 10 jurisdictions review recent steps that financial services regulatory authorities have taken as regards investment research.

Our global updater is accompanied by further analysis and insights in our Regulation Around the World podcast which is available now to stream

Authors: Ray Giblett, James Morris, Rajaee Rouhani, Stephen Lee, Jeremy Moller, Charles Nugent-Young, Merren Taylor, Timothy Chan, Joshua Kan, Dylan Sault and Steven Li 

Welcome to our first wrap up of the year! We are looking forward to sharing more updates with you this year.

November 2023

The month of November saw many new developments

October was another busy month in the financial services regulatory space. ASIC issued a number of new legislative instruments to continue the relief available under sunsetting class orders, while also removing certain notification obligations under the reportable situations regime. Interestingly, these changes were followed by ASIC’s second publication on insights from the reportable situations regime,