On 18 June 2018, the Financial Supervision Funding Decree 2018 (Regeling bekostiging financieel toezicht 2018, the Decree) was published in the Dutch Government Gazette (Staatscourant).

The Decree implements the Financial Supervision Funding Act (Wet bekostiging financieel toezicht) and sets out the bandwidths and tariffs for supervisory costs levied by the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (Autoriteit Financiële Markten, AFM) and the Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, DNB) for the year 2018.

The Decree is broadly in line with the Supervision Funding Decree 2017 (Regeling bekostiging financieel toezicht 2017).

As compared to 2017, notable amendments in relation to AFM supervisory fees are:

  • an increase in fees for accountants, central counterparties and health care insurers, mainly due to a decrease in market participants;
  • a decrease in fees for investment firms dealing on own account, mainly due to an increase in market participants; and
  • a decrease in fees for issuers, mainly due to the rising average market capitalization as a result of upward share prices.

As compared to 2017, a notable amendment in relation to DNB supervisory fees is a new assessment standard for the execution of the deposit guarantee scheme (depositogarantiestelsel). In 2017, the assessment standard was based on minimum required own funds (minimum omvang toetsingsvermogen). In the Decree, this assessment standard is based on the size of guaranteed deposits (omvang gegarandeerde deposito’s), which is expected to lead to a shift in supervisory fees among banks.

View the Decree (Dutch only), 18 June 2018. 

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