Following the publication of derivatives market intermediaries (DMI) standards by the International Organization of Securities Commission (IOSCO) in June 2012, IOSCO has published a report on its review of implementation progress jurisdictions have made in adopting legislation, regulation and policies in relation to DMIs.

The report notes that in general, jurisdictions have indicated significant progress in adopting legislation, regulation or policy in areas covered by the DMI standards. According to the report this has been done in a variety of way with many respondents indicating that their jurisdictions have regulatory frameworks that cover the reform areas identified by IOSCO through a general licensing / registration and regulatory regime that covers, or is being amended to cover, DMIs or derivatives intermediary activities. Other respondents indicated that they have banking, securities dealer, insurance or asset management licensing and regulatory regimes that either already address the reform areas, or which are being amended to do so, and a few jurisdictions are implementing specific DMIs.

View Review of Implementation Progress in Regulation of Derivative Market Intermediaries, 29 July 2015

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