The International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) has published a press release following a meeting to discuss and respond to the ongoing and emerging challenges facing global securities markets.
Discussions centred around the recent market developments and volatility in world capital markets and the challenges and opportunities posed by fintech and more particularly – distributed ledger technology – or block chain. In particular, the members recognised the need to carefully monitor developments and continue to build resilience to ensure the markets they regulate will continue to be a sustainable source of finance to support economic recovery.
In addition, the roundtable discussion on block chain highlighted the potential the new financial technologies can have to improve global market efficiencies, and provide emerging market jurisdictions with the infrastructure needed to further develop their capital.
Among other things, the IOSCO board discussed and endorsed intensifying work on technological change. In particular, the Board:
- agreed on further research on financial technology subsectors with particular relevance for securities regulator, including block chain;
- supported further work on the use and regulation of automated advice tools in securities markets and understanding the risks arising from the use of cloud technology;
- discussed a report on IOSCO’s work addressing the challenges of cyber risk; and
- heard updates on the work of the Growth and Emerging Markets Committee on digitization and fintech.
View IOSCO reports on developments facing global securities markets, 22 February 2016