On 26 February 2021, the International Organisation of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) published its work programme for 2021/2022.
Ashley Alder, Chair of the IOSCO Board, said:
“In 2020, our agenda was dominated by the response to COVID-19 induced market stresses. IOSCO has actively taken steps to address potential financial stability risks including a particular focus on non-bank financial intermediation activities. Much of this work has been led by IOSCO’s Financial Stability Engagement Group.
In 2021 and beyond, the response to the risks arising from COVID-19 will continue to be a key pillar of IOSCO’s agenda. IOSCO will also continue to focus on investor protection and market integrity, as well as examining the impacts of COVID-19 – and in particular remote working – on misconduct risks, fraud, and operational resilience. Through the work of the Sustainable Finance Task Force IOSCO will play a leading role in addressing the urgent goal of improving the completeness, consistency, and comparability of sustainability reporting. In doing so, IOSCO will further explore the establishment of a global comprehensive corporate reporting system under the IFRS Foundation.”