The Financial Stability Board (FSB) has published two guidance documents to help national authorities with their implementation of the Total Loss-Absorbing Capacity (TLAC) standard:
- Guiding principles on the internal TLAC of G-SIBs. The guiding principles support the implementation of the internal TLAC requirement. It provides guidance on the size and composition of the internal TLAC requirement, cooperation and coordination between home and host authorities and the trigger mechanism for internal TLAC; and
- Guidance on continuity of access to financial market infrastructures for a firm in resolution. The guidance sets out arrangements and safeguards to facilitate continuity of access to financial market infrastructures (FMIs) for a firm in resolution that apply at the level of the providers of FMI services, at the level of FMI participants and at the level of the relevant resolution and FMI authorities.
The FSB has also published its sixth report on the implementation of the post-crisis resolution reforms.
View FSB publishes resolution planning guidance for global banks and reports on the implementation of resolution reforms, 6 July 2017