The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has published two reports to G20 leaders:

  • Finalising post-crisis reforms: an update. This report updates G20 leaders on progress made in strengthening the international regulatory framework for banks. In the report the BCBS notes that it will soon consult on a package of reforms to enhance the comparability of risk-weighted assets calculated using internal ratings-based approaches for credit risk. The BCBS will also finalise around the end of the year: (i) the revised market risk framework which will include greater standardisation of traded market risk model requirements; and (ii) revised Pillar 3 disclosure requirements that will include the introduction of harmonised templates to improve comparability and consistency of banks’ disclosures; and
  • Implementation of the Basel standards: a report to G20 leaders on implementation of the Basel III regulatory reforms. The report notes that implementation of the Basel III capital and liquidity standards have generally been both timely and consistent. All BCBS member jurisdictions have implemented the Basel III risk-based capital regulations. Final rules on the liquidity coverage ratio are in force in almost all BCBS member jurisdictions.

View Finalising post-crisis reforms and Basel III implementation – Basel Committee reports to G20 leaders, 13 November 2015

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