The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has issued a report summarising the aggregate results of the latest Basel III monitoring exercise, using data as of 30 June 2013. 227 banks participated in the study, comprising 102 Group 1 banks (internationally active banks that have Tier 1 capital of more than EUR3 billion) and 125 Group 2 banks (a representative sample of all other banks).
The report examines the following:
- capital ratios;
- capital shortfalls;
- level of capital;
- composition of capital;
- leverage ratio;
- relationship between the leverage ratio and risk-based capital requirements; and
- liquidity standards.
The BCBS intends to produce another monitoring exercise that will utilise financial data as at December 2013, later on in the year. This will include data related to proposed revisions to the net stable funding ratio (NSFR), which is a longer term structural liquidity standard included within Basel III.
View Basel III monitoring report, 6 March 2014
View Basel III monitoring results published by the Basel Committee, 6 March 2014