The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has issued a progress report on the implementation of Principles for effective supervisory colleges.

In 2010 the BCBS issued good practice principles on supervisory colleges and a revised set of Principles for effective supervisory colleges was published in 2014. Following the publication of the 2014 college principles, the BCBS continued monitoring their implementation and reviewing the effectiveness of colleges. The progress report now published highlights the challenges faced by supervisors in running effective supervisory colleges as well as the practical approaches taken to address them.

Some of the key findings of the colleges’ monitoring include:

  • colleges have evolved into key forums for rigorous discussion of broader issues that enhance supervision of global firms and contribute to the planning of supervisory assessments;
  • a wide range of college structures have been developed by home supervisors to reflect the differing size, complexity and global reach of internationally active banks, and home supervisors have a greater sensitivity to host supervisor concerns in developing criteria for college membership; and
  • whilst supervisors report that interaction with firms has improved in supervisory colleges, particularly in terms of higher-quality engagement with management, many firms have indicated that they would like to receive more feedback on college discussions.

View Progress report on the implementation of principles for effective supervisory colleges, 15 July 2015

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