The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) has published its eleventh progress report which provides an update on BCBS members’ adoption of the Basel III framework as of end-September 2016. The report focuses on the status of adoption of all Basel III standards to ensure they are transformed into national law or regulation according to the internationally agreed timeframes. The Basel III standards will come into effect by 2019. The report is based on information provided by individual BCBS members as part of the BCBS’ regulatory consistency assessment programme. The BCBS has determined that:
- all 27 member jurisdiction have final risk-based capital rules, liquidity coverage ratio regulation and capital conservation buffers in force;
- 26 member jurisdiction have issued final rules for the countercyclical capital buffers;
- 25 member jurisdictions have issued final or draft rules for their framework for domestic systemically important banks. The final framework for global systemically important banks (G-SIBs) is in force in all member jurisdictions that are home jurisdictions to G-SIBs;
- 18 member jurisdictions have issued final or draft rules for margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives; and
- some member jurisdictions have reported challenged in meeting the agreed implementation deadline for some Basel III standards. These include: (i) the revised Pillar 3 framework (by the end of 2016); (ii) the standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk ( by January 2017); (iii) the capital requirements for central counterparty exposures (by January 2017); and (iv) capital requirements for equity investments in funds (by January 2017).
View BCBS October 2016 progress report on implementation of Basel regulatory framework, 19 October 2016