On 6 July 2020, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) published a report setting out the adoption status of the Basel III standards in member jurisdictions as of end-May 2020.

The report notes that as of end-May 2020, all 27 member jurisdictions have risk-based capital rules, liquidity coverage ratio regulations and capital conservation buffers in force. Twenty-six member jurisdictions have final rules in force for the countercyclical capital buffer and the leverage ratio based on the existing exposure definition. Twenty-five member jurisdictions have final rules in force for the domestic systemically important bank requirement. For the global systemically important bank (G-SIB) requirements, all members that are home to G-SIBs have final rules in force. Twenty-one member jurisdictions have issued final rules for the revised securitisation framework, and 19 member jurisdictions have final rules in place for capital requirements for equity investments in funds. All 27 member jurisdictions have issued draft or final rules for the net stable funding ratio.

Since the publication of the previous update report in October 2019, the Basel Committee has found that member jurisdictions have made further progress in implementing standards whose deadlines have passed, despite financial stability priorities related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Twenty-one member jurisdictions have issued final rules for the capital requirements for bank exposures to central counterparties and the standard on interest rate risk in the banking book, and 23 have issued final rules for the standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk exposures. Twenty-two member jurisdictions have issued draft or final rules for the requirements for total loss-absorbing capacity holdings, and 26 have issued draft or final rules for the large exposure framework.

The Basel Committee has also found that there have been progress in implementing rules that are yet to come into effect. Fourteen member jurisdictions have issued draft or final rules for the leverage ratio based on the revised (2017) exposure definition. One member jurisdiction has final rules in place for the revised standardised approach for credit risk. Two member jurisdictions have final rules in place for the revised internal ratings based approach for credit risk and the revised operational risk framework. Moreover, nine member jurisdictions have issued final rules for the revised minimum requirements for market risk.

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