On 22 March 2018, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) published the following papers:
- Pillar 3 disclosure requirements: regulatory treatment of accounting provisions – consultative document. This consists of a technical amendment on additional Pillar 3 disclosure requirements for those jurisdictions implementing an expected credit loss accounting model as well as for those adopting transitional arrangements for the regulatory treatment of accounting provisions. The deadline for comments on the proposal is 4 May 2018;
- Revisions to the minimum capital requirements for market risk – consultative document. This consultation sets out certain proposed changes to the standard Minimum capital requirements for market risk. This includes changes to the measurement of the standardised approach to enhance its risk sensitivity and clarifications to the requirements for identification of risk factors that are eligible for internal modelling. The deadline for comments on the proposals is 20 June 2018;
- Frequently asked questions on the Basel III standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk exposure. The document is the second set of FAQs on the standard The standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk exposures, combined with those published in an earlier set of FAQs. The recently added FAQs are shaded yellow; and
- Frequently asked questions on market risk capital requirements. The document is the second set of FAQs on the standard Minimum capital requirements for market risk, combined with those published in an earlier set of FAQs. The recently added FAQs are shaded yellow.