The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has published FAQs on the Pillar 3 disclosure requirements. The purpose of the FAQs is to promote consistent global implementation of the revised Pillar 3 disclosure requirements that were published in January 2015. The revised requirements will take effect from year-end 2016. They will supersede the existing Pillar 3 disclosure requirements first issued as part of the Basel II framework in 2004 and the Basel 2.5 revisions and enhancements introduced in 2009. The most significant revisions with respect to the previous Pillar 3 disclosure requirements relate to the use of templates for quantitative disclosure accompanied with definitions, some of them with a fixed format. This aims to enhance comparability of bank’s disclosures, both across banks and over time.
View Frequently asked questions on the revised Pillar 3 disclosure requirements, 12 August 2016