On 23 July 2019, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) and the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) issued a joint statement confirming that the final implementation of the margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives would be extended by one year.

With this extension, the final implementation phase will take place on 1 September 2021, at which point covered entities with an aggregate average notional amount (AANA) of non-centrally cleared derivatives greater than €8 billion will be subject to the requirements.

To facilitate the extension, the Basel Committee and IOSCO will also introduce an additional implementation phase whereby as of 1 September 2020 covered entities with an AANA of non-centrally cleared derivatives greater than €50 billion will be subject to the requirements.

The Basel Committee and IOSCO expect that covered entities will act diligently to comply with the requirements by this revised timeline and strongly encourage market participants to make all relevant arrangements on a timely basis.

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