On 4 February 2025, the European Banking Authority (EBA) issued a final report containing draft Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on reporting of data on charges for credit transfers and payments accounts, and shares of rejected transactions. The draft ITS deliver on the mandate in the Instant Payment Regulation (IPR) amending the SEPA Regulation, and aim at standardising reporting from banks, payment institutions and e-money institutions (i.e. payment service providers (PSPs)) to their Member State competent authorities.

The draft ITS requires that PSPs report the level of charges for regular credit transfers and instant credit transfers with breakdowns by type of transfer (national and cross-border), type of payment service

users, type of payment initiation channels, and by party that is subject to the charge. Further, PSPs are required to report charges for payment accounts, as well as the share of instant transfers, both

domestic and cross-border, that were rejected due to the application of EU-wide restrictive measures.

Next steps

After the submission of the final draft ITS to the Commission and publication of the final report, the EBA will also develop the data-point model, XBRL taxonomy and validation rules based on the final draft ITS by Q2 2025.