The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) has stated that it will provide updated registers information in line with the requirements under MiFIR / MiFID II. The launch, on 3 January 2018, will update existing registers under MiFID I and also provide for new registers under MiFID II / MiFIR.
However, ESMA also states that a new register release will not be fully available until Q1 2018 due to IT functionality. As an interim solution ESMA will publish on a fortnightly basis the latest registers information in a downloadable excel format. The list of affected registers is:
- Regulated markets;
- Multilateral trading facilities;
- New organised trading facilities;
- Systematic internalisers;
- New Approved Publication Arrangements;
- New Consolidated Tape Providers;
- New Approved Reporting Mechanisms;
- Suspension and restorations;
- Central counterparties will become obsolete and removed from publication; and
- Shares admitted to trading on EU regulated markets will be replaced by FIRDS publication: Transparency 3 January 2018.
View Update on MiFID II registers from 3 January 2018, 8 December 2017