The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (Basel Committee) has published its latest report which sets out the adoption status of the Basel III standards for each Basel Committee member jurisdiction as of end-September 2017. The report updates the Basel Committee’s previous progress reports which have been published on a semi-annual basis since October 2011.
Key points in the report include:
- all 27 member jurisdictions have final risk-based capital rules, liquidity coverage ratio (LCR) regulations and capital conservation buffers in force;
- 26 member jurisdictions have issued final rules for the countercyclical capital buffers and for domestic systemically important banks’ frameworks. All members that are home to global systemically important banks have final rules in force;
- 21 member jurisdictions have issued final or draft rules for margin requirements for non-centrally cleared derivatives and 22 have issued final or draft rules for monitoring tools for intraday liquidity management;
- 20 member jurisdictions have issued final or draft rules of the revised Pillar 3 framework, 19 have issued final or draft rules of the standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk and capital requirements for equity investments in funds;
- 18 have issued final or draft rules of capital requirements for bank exposures to central counterparties; and
- overall progress is observed in the implementation of the interest rate risk in the banking book, the net stable funding ratio, and the large exposures framework. Member jurisdictions are also working on or turning to the implementation of total loss absorbency capacity holdings, the revised market risk framework and the leverage ratio.
The Basel Committee has also published assessment reports on the implementation of the LCR in Australia, Brazil, Canada and Switzerland. The assessments indicate that the LCR regulations in each of these jurisdictions were found to be “compliant” with the Basel standards, the highest of the four possible grades.
View Thirteenth progress report on adoption of the Basel regulatory framework, 18 October 2017