On 28 October 2019, the Single Resolution Board (SRB) published its work programme for 2020.

The SRB’s priorities for 2020 are structured around the following five strategic areas:

  1. strengthening resolvability. The SRB will relign all SRB banks to a uniform 12-month resolution planning cycle in 2020. The new cycle will start in April, with the regular data submission by banks, and finish in March of the following year, with the approval of the resolution plan, including minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities decisions, followed by communication to the banks. The SRB will also communicate bank-by-bank expectations as a basis for the yearly resolvability assessment and will request that banks propose measures to address or remove impediments to resolvability;
  2. fostering a robust resolution framework. The SRB will prioritise the implementation of the new rules under the amended Single Resolution Mechanism Regulation, the Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive, the Capital Requirements Regulation and the Capital Requirements Directive, as well as, to operationalise SRB policies into concrete expectations for banks to be phased in over time. In addition, new or revised guidance will focus on bail-in execution, financial and operational continuity, access to financial market infrastructures and resolvability;
  3. preparing and carrying out effective crisis management. The SRB will form a dedicated team to update the “Crisis governance handbook”, deliver targeted training to SRB staff and perform dry runs in cooperation with other SRB teams, national resolution authorities (NRAs) and external stakeholders. In the event of a banking crisis, this team will support the dedicated “crisis management team” for banks in crisis to ensure consistent proceedings;
  4. operationalising further the Single Resolution Fund (SRF). The SRB will focus on the calculation and collection of 2020 ex-ante contributions in close coordination with NRAs. The SRB will continue its work for different potential uses of the SRF in case of liquidity or capital support; and
  5. establishing a lean and efficient organisation. The SRB will operate at full capacity for the first time in 2020 and aims to have 400 staff by Q1 2020. In addition, a number of IT projects will be launched including resolution-reporting data, collection of ex-ante contributions, resolution case support systems, a system to facilitate executive decision making and the disaster recovery centre.

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