On 1 March 2023, the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) published its Regulatory Digest for February 2023.
The digest highlights the PRA’s key regulatory news and publications for the month.
This edition of the digest highlights the following top news and publications:
- Consultation paper (CP) 16/22 – Implementation of the Basel 3.1 standards.
- CP3/23 – Dealing with insurers in financial difficulties.
- CP4/23 – The Strong and Simple Framework: Liquidity and disclosure requirements for Simpler-regime Firms.
- CP5/23 – Remuneration: Enhancing proportionality for small firms.
- Sixth edition of the Regulatory Initiatives Grid.
- Bank Overground: Mind the (smaller) gap? Implications of the narrowing gap between modelled and standardised residential mortgage risk weights.