On 5 December 2018, the PRA published Policy Statement 30/18: Regulatory Reporting: responses to CP16/18 (PS30/18).

In CP16/18, the PRA proposed changes to PRA reporting requirements including:

  • discontinuation of Prudent Valuation Return PV001;
  • changes to PRA reporting instructions to align with updated European Banking Authority (EBA) requirements (RFB001, PRA110, and PRA101 – PRA103); and
  • amendments to ring-fencing reporting requirements (RFB001, RFB003, and RFB004).

PS30/18 notes that over the consultation period for CP16/18, the PRA identified further minor changes to be made in relation to the proposals of CP16/18:

  • clarifying that the definition of ‘data item’ including data elements that are grouped together both in a prescribed format and where ‘no standard format’ is specified;
  • contrary to the proposal made in the CP16/18, no changes are required to templates FSA072- FSA075 or FSA080 to reflect their application to ring-fenced bodies, as these templates do not use a drop-down option for the basis of reporting;
  • aligning RFB004 row names and numbers with comparable Financial Reporting FINREP row names and numbers; and
  • shading cells in RFB004 that do not need to be reported.

The PRA is making the final rules as consulted on in CP16/18, with the additional changes listed in PS30/18. The PRA has made the changes to the PRA110 reporting instructions as proposed in CP16/18. However, the changes to the reporting level of consolidation in PRA110 rules are subject to the outcome of another consultation (Consultation Paper 22/18: Liquidity reporting – FSA047 and FSA048).

The appendices to PS30/18 contain final rules (Appendix 1); updated Supervisory Statement 34/15 ‘Guidelines for completing regulatory reports’ (Appendix 2); and updated Supervisory Statement 32/15 ‘Pillar 2 reporting, including instructions for completing data items FSA071 to FSA082, and PRA111’ (Appendix 3). Further, a mapping table is included in Appendix 4, and specific changes to the RFB004 template are outlined in Appendix 5.

The changes to the PRA Rulebook will take effect on 1 January 2019.

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