The PRA has published Policy Statement 32/16: Responses to Chapter 3 of CP17/16 – forecast capital data (PS32/16).

In PS 32/16 the PRA provides feedback to the responses received to the forecast capital data proposals in Chapter 3 (paragraphs 3.19 – 3.33) of Consultation Paper 17/16: Regulatory reporting of financial statements, forecast capital data and international financial reporting standards 9 requirement (CP17/16). In relation to capital data, in CP17/16, the PRA proposed formalising the collection of the existing forecast capital resources and requirements return through the introduction of three new returns.

The appendices to PS32/16 contain final rules, (Appendix 1), Supervisory Statement 34/15 (Appendix 2) and templates and instructions (Appendix 3) for the new reporting requirements relating to forecast capital data in the Regulatory Reporting Part of the PRA Rulebook.

The PRA will publish details of the systems which will be used by firms to report these returns on its website by 31 January 2017. The PRA is considering various submission mechanisms, including a direct submission of XBRL and a simpler worksheet based submission option, as well as various collection mechanisms such as an automated submission mechanism or an online portal.

View PRA Policy Statement on forecast capital data, 16 November 2017