The FCA has published Consultation Paper 6/17: Regulatory reporting: occasional consultation paper (CP6/17). In CP6/17 the PRA sets out proposals for minor amendments to the templates and reporting instructions for PRA101 to PRA103 (Capital+), PRA108, and the removal of the definition of ‘whole-firm liquidity modification’ from the PRA Rulebook.
The proposals would result in changes to the Regulatory Reporting Part of the PRA Rulebook (Appendix 1 of CP6/17) and reporting templates and instructions for PRA101 to PRA103 (Appendices 2 and 3 of CP6/17) and instructions for PRA108 (Appendix 4 of CP6/17). Appendix 1 of Supervisory Statement 34/15: Guidelines for completing regulatory reports will be updated to link to the amended templates when the final policy is published.
The deadline for comments on CP6/17 is 7 July 2017.
View Regulatory reporting: occasional consultation paper – CP6/17, 12 June 2017