On 7 June 2021, the Network for Greening the Financial System (NGFS) announced the following new documents:

  • A new set of climate scenarios. In this second vintage, the NGFS scenarios have been brought up to date, including by incorporating countries’ commitments to reach net-zero emissions. They have also been enriched with an expanded set of macro-economic variables and additional country and sector-level granularity.
  • An online NGFS scenarios website. This website serves as a portal to the NGFS scenarios and directs users to all related NGFS publications and data. It also provides interactive visualizations of the scenarios and background resources, and a link to a new Climate Impact Explorer where users can explore and download detailed physical risk data.

The NGFS scenarios provide a framework to assess and manage the future financial and economic risks that changes to the climate might bring. They provide a coherent set of transition pathways, climate impact projections, and economic indicators at country-level, over a long time horizon and under varying assumptions. The NGFS scenarios provide a foundation for scenario analysis across many institutions, creating much needed consistency and comparability of results.

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