On 23 April 2018, the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision published its latest progress report providing a high-level view of its members’ progress in adopting the Basel III standards as of end-March 2018. The report focuses on the status of adoption of all the Basel III standards to ensure they are transformed into national law or regulation according to the internationally agreed time frames.

Among other things the report notes that:

  • all 27 members have risk based capital rules, liquidity coverage ratio regulations and capital conservation buffers in force;
  • members have made progress in implementing the leverage ratio based on the existing (2014) exposure definition, which is now in force in most members;
  • 24 members have issued draft or final rules for the net stable funding ratio and 19 members have issued a draft of the final revised securitisation framework; and
  • members have made limited progress implementing the standardised approach for measuring counterparty credit risk exposures, the capital requirements for bank exposures to central counterparties and for equity investments in funds.

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