On 1 March 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published Consultation Paper 24/3: Quarterly Consultation No.43 (CP24/3).

In CP24/3, the FCA is consulting on the following miscellaneous amendments to the Handbook:

  • Inserting ‘B fee-block’ into FEES 3 Annex 9R(1)(a) and delete FEES 3 Annex 9(1)(e) to allow Special Project Fees for restructuring to be chargeable to firms in the B fee-block in the circumstances set out in FEES 3 Annex 9R(2). This is outlined in Chapter 2.
  • Proposing a new Statement of Policy setting out the FCA’s approach to using its enforcement powers under the new regime for the oversight of critical third parties introduced by the Financial Services and Markets Act 2023. This is outlined in Chapter 3.
  • Amending the Training and Competence sourcebook by introducing an annual consultation cycle on the qualification-related elements. This is outlined in Chapter 4.

The consultation closes on 11 March 2024 for Chapter 2 and 8 April 2024 for Chapters 3 and 4.