On 25 April 2019, the FCA published the Supervision Manual (Supervisory Principles Amendment) Instrument 2019. The Instrument amends the FCA’s Supervision Manual (SUP) by inserting at part 1A.3.2A G the FCA’s supervisory principles: as set out in their  Approach to Supervision document (see our blog here). Also amended by the Instrument is parts 1A.3.3 G, 1A.3.4 G and 1A.3.6 G regarding the scope of the supervision model for firms; and part 1A.4 concerning the FCA’s tools for supervision.

A draft version of the Instrument was consulted on in the FCA’s September 2018 consultation paper (CP18/24). The Instrument was made on 16 April 2019 and came into force on 24 April 2019.