The European Payments Council has launched a public consultation on the mobile contactless SEPA card payments implementation interoperability guidelines.
The guidelines focus on interoperability between the different stakeholders involved in the mobile contactless card payment ecosystem. In particular, they address the interoperability aspects related to the mobile contactless card payment application life cycle management. They also cover some aspects of the technical interoperability of a mobile contactless card transaction, including a number of options, which are at the discretion of the issuers and acquirers. The guidelines also cover three types of secure elements in the mobile phone to store the mobile contactless card payment application, namely the UICC (Universal Integrated Circuit Card – the so-called SIM), the embedded SE (Secure Element) and the embedded UICC, in addition to HCE-based (a software architecture that allows the emulation of a contactless card on the mobile device) cloud solutions.
The consultation closes on 26 January 2018.
View EPC consultation on mobile contactless card payments, 26 October 2017