
On 11 November 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a webpage setting out the outcome of its enforcement regulatory disclosure review. The review was carried out following a recommendation from the Upper Tribunal.

The FCA confirms that it has completed the review and made a number of changes to its disclosure processes

Speak up and other internal investigations are on the rise (see our article here) amid increasing scrutiny from the media, public, authorities and other stakeholders of how investigations are conducted. Indeed, in higher profile matters the way in which an investigation is conducted can receive as much attention as the underlying issues.

The recent

On 17 September 2024, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) published a speech (dated 5 September 2024) given by Andrea Bowe (FCA Director of Specialist Directorate) entitled Frameworks for effective fraud prevention measures.

Highlights from the speech include:

  • Collaboration and a collective effort are key to tackling fraud. In particular, Ms Bowe notes