On 15 November 2018, the European Money Markets Institute (EMMI) published their second consultation paper on a hybrid methodology for Euribor (the Consultation). The Consultation is part of EMMI’s commitment to deliver a reformed and robust methodology for Euribor, which aims to meet regulatory and stakeholder expectations in a timely manner.
In March 2018, EMMI published its first consultation paper on a hybrid methodology for Euribor, seeking the market’s views on EMMI’s proposed methodology for Euribor. The feedback received in response to the consultation questions was supportive of EMMI’s proposal, and the EMMI to continued its path towards the finalization of the design of the methodology.
From May until the end of July 2018, EMMI, with the participation of the majority of Euribor panel banks, has tested the proposed hybrid methodology. The Consultation presents a summary of EMMI’s findings during the hybrid Euribor testing phase and discusses EMMI’s proposals for the different methodological parameters which were yet to be specified.
The deadline for responses to the Consultation is 30 November 2018.