The European Banking Authority (EBA) has today published final guidelines on the information to be provided by applicants intending to obtain authorisation as payment and electronic money institutions as well as to register as account information service providers under the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2).
The PSD2 sets out information requirements for the application as a payment institution and for the registration of an account information services provider (AISP). The final guidelines specify the detailed documentation that applicants are required to submit to national competent authorities for the purpose of authorisation or registration.
The final guidelines have been separated into four different sets, the first three of which apply to payment institutions, AISPs and electronic money institutions respectively. The fourth set of guidelines, in turn, provides clarity to applicants in respect of the completeness of the application.
The final guidelines will be translated into the official languages of the EU. Member State competent authorities will have two months from the publication date of the translation to notify the EBA of whether or not they comply or intend to comply with the guidelines, and, if not, to provide reasons for non-compliance.
View EBA publishes final guidelines on authorisation and registration under PSD2, 11 July 2017