On 29 January 2024, the European Banking Authority (EBA) launched a voluntary survey to help it deliver its mandate under Article 501(c) of the Capital Requirements Regulation which requires the European Supervisory Authority to provide an assessment of the availability and accessibility of relatable and consistent environmental, social and governance (ESG) data for each exposure class determined in accordance with title II of Part III of that Regulation. The survey will give the EBA input from credit institutions on their methodologies to classify exposures to ESG risks, as well as on the accessibility and availability of ESG data for this purpose.

Structure of the survey

The survey is structured as follows:

  • Section 1: general information about the participating credit institution, such as identification.
  • Section 2: institutions’ general information on the used methodology for the identification of ESG risks and possibly the qualification of exposures subject to them.
  • Section 3: exposures to non-financial corporates.
  • Sections 4 and 5: exposures to non-retail and retail SMEs, respectively.
  • Section 6: exposures to households.

Each section is divided into questions related to:

  • The identification of ESG risks: this intends to collect information on how credit institutions map their credit exposures to ESG risks and how they collect the corresponding data.
  • Qualification of exposures subject to ESG risks: this aims to capture credit institutions’ approaches and methodologies to classify credit exposures according to potential pools / levels / buckets of differing ESG risks. 

Next steps

The deadline for responding to the survey is 29 March 2024.

The EBA may organise an industry workshop with institutions participating in the survey for further dialogue and to exchange on the findings.