The European Banking Authority (EBA) has published a letter sent to the European Commission (Commission) requesting that the end of December 2016 deadline for the delivery of certain draft technical standards under the Capital Requirements Directive IV (CRD IV) and the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) be revised.

The draft technical standards include:

  • regulatory technical standards (RTS) and implementing technical standards (ITS) on authorisation of credit institutions. The EBA currently expects to be able to accomplish this mandate during 2017, most likely around mid-2017;
  • RTS on consolidation methods. The EBA expects to deliver this mandate by the end of 2017, contingently on the Commission’s November 2016 proposal to revise the CRR;
  • RTS on the exclusion of transactions with non-financial counterparties established in third countries. The EBA expects to submit the RTS during Q1 2017; and
  • RTS on disclosure of encumbered and unencumbered assets. The EBA expects to deliver this mandate during Q1 2017.

The EBA also discusses in the letter two other mandates which in light of EU and international developments have been assessed as less meaningful by the supervisory community and have been continuously re-prioritised due to scarce EBA resources:

  • RTS on immaterial portfolios for the internal ratings based approach, RTS on conditional guarantees and RTS on eligible collateral within the credit risk mitigation framework; and
  • RTS on the combined use of different approaches and ITS on principles for business line mapping.

View EBA requests European Commission to revise deadlines for CRD IV technical standards, 3 January 2017