On 28 July 2020, the European Central Bank (ECB) published the aggregate results of its vulnerability analysis of banks directly supervised within the Single Supervisory Mechanism. The exercise assessed how the economic shock caused by the COVID-19 pandemic would impact 86 euro area banks and aimed to identify potential vulnerabilities within the banking
ECB extends recommendation not to pay dividends until January 2021 and clarifies timeline to restore buffers
On 28 July 2020, the European Central Bank (ECB) extended its recommendation that banks not pay dividends nor buy back shares until January 2021. The ECB has also asked banks to be “extremely moderate” with regard to variable remuneration.
The ECB also encourages banks to use their capital and liquidity buffers for lending…
EBA provides clarity on the implementation of the prudential framework in the context of COVID-19
On 7 July 2020, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published a report providing clarification on certain issues concerning the application of the prudential framework that have been raised as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Specifically the report is intended to provide clarity on the implementation of the EBA guidelines on legislative and…
CRR “quick fix” published in the OJ
On 26 June 2020, there was published in the Official Journal of the EU (OJ), a Regulation making targeted amendments to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) and the revised Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR2) (CRR “quick fix”).
The “quick fix” legislation has been intended to help credit institutions…
EBA report on draft ITS on supervisory reporting requirements for institutions under the CRR
On 25 June 2020, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published new Implementing Technical Standards (ITS) on public disclosures by institutions and revised final draft ITS on supervisory reporting that implements changes introduced in the revised Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR2) and the Prudential Backstop Regulation. The publication of the two…
Commission Delegated Regulation on revisions to RTS on prudent valuation under CRR
On 25 June 2020, there was published in the Official Journal of the EU (OJ), Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/866 of 28 May 2020 amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/1010 supplementing the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) with regard to regulatory technical standards for prudent valuation under Article 105(14) of the CRR.
General Board of the ESRB takes second set of actions in response to the coronavirus emergency at its extraordinary meeting on 27 May 2020
On 8 June 2020, the General Board of the European Systemic Risk Board (ESRB) agreed to a second set of actions to address the challenges stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic. These macro-prudential actions refer to the five priority areas previously identified by the ESRB:
- Implications for the financial system of guarantee schemes and
EBA guidelines on COVID-19 measures reporting and disclosure
On 2 June 2020, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published guidelines on reporting and disclosure of exposures subject to measures applied in response to the COVID-19 crisis.
The guidelines cover the following: (1) reporting requirements to monitor the use of payment moratoria and the evolution of the credit quality of the exposures subject…
Commission adopts Delegated Regulation on revisions to RTS on prudent valuation under CRR
On 28 May 2020, the European Commission adopted a Delegated Regulation (plus Annex) amending Delegated Regulation (EU) 2016/101 of 26 October 2015 supplementing the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR) with regard to regulatory technical standards (RTS) for prudent valuation under Article 105(14) of the CRR.
The Delegated Act introduces a temporary…
Adapting to change is business as usual: keeping you connected throughout the pandemic
An update from Brussels
Over the coming weeks, partners and members of our financial services team will be sharing with clients and contacts a series of video diaries setting out their views on the latest developments in respect of COVID 19 impacts in the various areas of financial services.