The month of May saw a broad range of activities within the financial services industry. ASIC released the results of its review into compliance with the design and distribution obligations as well as updating the industry on their greenwashing actions. ASIC also commenced proceedings against an insurer, alleging unfair contract terms in an insurance contract
Jon Ireland
ASIC’s 10 May Greenwashing update: A trimming of the sheets or Season 2 of ‘How to avoid greenwashing’
This post was co-authored with Abhirami Ravishankar.
On 10 May 2023, following the Federal Treasurer’s Budget announcement of additional funding for ASIC’s greenwashing surveillance and enforcement work, ASIC issued two noteworthy publications providing guidance for market participants on how, and how not to, display their green credentials.
The first release was the ASIC Report 763 …
Financial services monthly wrap-up: April 2023
April was another fast moving month in the financial services sector. ASIC released updates to the breach reporting requirements to introduce new guidance and clarify existing guidance regarding reportable situations. The regulator also provided further communications surrounding the superannuation performance test, as well as commenced proceedings against an insurance company alleging unfair contract terms in…
FS Monthly Wrap-Up – March 2023
The month March was a busy month which saw some significant developments in the financial services sector. Notably, ASIC is currently consulting on class orders about financial requirements in considering whether to remake certain class orders. The regulator is also consulting on ‘sunsetting’ class orders changing responsible entities and equal treatment. ASIC also granted conditional…
Financial services monthly wrap-up: February 2023
The month of February saw ASIC and APRA outlining their plans for the year ahead. ASIC announced that it would be expanding its enforcement focus areas in 2023 and published a timeline for regulatory developments. It also released its first Indigenous Financial Services Framework, which was a landmark document for the regulator. APRA released its…
Australian Managed funds laws under the spotlight
Today’s announcement of a review into managed investment schemes signals a potentially significant overhaul of the laws governing Australia’s main investment vehicle. In arguably the broadest review since that undertaken by the former Corporations and Markets Advisory Committee in 2012, the Assistant Treasurer announced that the Federal Government will undertake a review of “the regulatory…
Financial services monthly wrap-up: December 2022 and January 2023
As 2022 came to a close, the regulators concluded the year with a busy month in December. Notably, ASIC ended the year by reminding stakeholders of the importance of ensuring that claims made in relation to a product were accurate, especially in the context of environmental claims, reflecting ASIC’s increased focus on greenwashing in 2022.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to our readers
To all of our global readers we would like to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We will resume posting material following the festive period on 9 January 2023 although if there are any significant developments we will endeavour to provide an update.
Financial Services monthly wrap-up: November 2022
The month of November saw a flurry of regulatory activity by APRA and ASIC across strategic focus areas: crypto-asset regulation, enforcement of design and distribution obligations, reforming operational risk requirements for super funds and improving governance practices across the superannuation industry at investment and board levels. Meanwhile, AUSTRAC launched two consultations on proposed changes and…
Podcast – Global regulation and conduct series – Cross border distribution of funds: five topics to consider
In the second in our global series of regulatory podcasts focusing on conduct issues, financial services partners from Australia, Hong Kong, Luxembourg, Germany, United Kingdom and the United States consider the cross border distribution of funds by focussing on the following five topics:
- What trends or industry developments are you seeing in your jurisdiction as