Photo of Joeri Noteborn (NL)

Joeri Noteborn (NL)

The Dutch Central Bank (De Nederlandsche Bank, DNB) recently published its supervisory priorities for the years 2018 to 2022 in the form of two documents:

  1. the ‘Supervisory Strategy 2018 – 2022’ (the Supervisory Strategy); and
  2. the ‘Supervision Outlook for 2018’ (the Supervision Outlook).

In these two documents, DNB identifies the

On 23 October 2017, the Dutch Minister of Finance sent the following documents to the Dutch Parliament (Tweede Kamer):

  • a report on the Act implementing the revised Payment Services Directive (PSD2) (Implementatiewet herziene richtlijn betaaldiensten) (the Implementation Act);
  • the draft legislative proposal for the Implementation Act;
  • the advice