Insurers and other insurance distributors faced significant challenges while implementing the requirements of the German law transposing the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD). Even though the IDD was transposed into German law as of 23 February 2018, several details were not yet available due to outstanding regulations. The new German regulation, i.e. the German Insurance Distribution
Christina Lorenz (DE)
BaFin says that insurers need to be prepared for substantial burdens in their implementation of the new German law transposing IDD
Insurers and other insurance distributors will face significant challenges while implementing the requirements of the German law transposing IDD. Impacts on distribution models, training requirements and increased duties and obligations in distribution will need to be considered. In addition, there are a number of compliance issues, such as conflicts of interest, cross-selling and considerations regarding…
German law transposing Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD) passed (in revised version) – final guidance on training requirements remains outstanding
The legislation transposing the IDD into German law has been passed (as resolved by the German Parliament on 28 June 2017 and by the Federal Council of Germany on 7 July 2017). One of many changes will be that the transposed IDD will be applicable to all insurance distributors (Versicherungsvertreiber), including insurers.
In addition to…