
The first instalment in our new Regulation Tomorrow podcast series, the Australian wrap up, is now available to stream and download.

In this month’s episode Jon Ireland, Ray Giblett and Timothy Chan take a deeper dive on some of the key issues identified in April’s monthly wrap up covering the recent APRA life insurance statistics,

The month of April saw the release of the ASX’s consultation paper ‘Enhancing the ASX Investment Products Offering’, as well as the publication by APRA and ASIC of the latest data pertaining to claims and disputes outcomes for life insurance.

April also saw ASIC extend the relief from certain dollar disclosures in PDSs for litigation

On 6 October 2020, Treasurer Josh Frydenberg handed down the 2020 Federal Budget, which contained a package of significant superannuation reforms. The primary superannuation measures in the Budget are captured in the “Your Future, Your Super” package.

The package is intended to address ‘structural flaws’ in the superannuation system. The reforms will apply from 1

In April 2020, the financial services industry has been actively engaging with the Federal Government and regulators in order to address key issues and mitigate risks as a consequence of COVID-19. While regulators have changed certain priorities, with a number of initiatives and consultations put on hold, focus has primarily been on ensuring financial stability

The exponential growth and impact of COVID-19 has not only affected most industries and our everyday lives, but in particular has had significant repercussions within the superannuation industry. In this update, we make some general observations and examine the responses from the key Australian regulators and what this means for superannuation trustees, as well as

In June 2019 ASIC released its estimates for the Industry Funding levy for the 2018-19 financial year. Further, ASIC and APRA have formally commenced consultation on product intervention powers and product responsibility under the Banking Executive Accountability Regime respectively.

1 July 2019 also marks the commencement date of a variety of new and updated legislation

On 23 May 2018 APRA announced that it would conduct a review of the superannuation prudential framework that was introduced in 2013 as part of the Stronger Super reforms.[1] The consultation is scheduled to take place over a four-month period and involve both formal and informal feedback from stakeholders across the superannuation industry.


As the financial sector waits for the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) to fully awaken the Banking Executive Accountability Regime (BEAR) through the provision of further guidelines, there is already a lot of chatter as to whether BEAR should be extended beyond its initial coverage of APRA-regulated Authorised Deposit-taking Institutions (ADIs).

The Parliamentary Joint Committee

In April 2016, the Australian Bankers’ Association (ABA) initiated the Banking Reform Program Better Banking (Program).[1]   The Program was developed to protect consumer interests, increase transparency and accountability, and to build consumer trust and confidence in banks through a range of initiatives.

Edelman Intelligence has conducted two rounds of

The much anticipated Royal Commission was no surprise to the Australian banking industry.  What was surprising was the extension of its terms of reference to local and foreign deposit-taking institutions, life and general insurers, superannuation funds, as well as asset managers, financial planning businesses and all other holders of Australian financial services licences.  Let there