The FCA has published Consultation Paper 15/38: Provisions to delay disclosure of inside information within the FCA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules (CP15/38).
In CP15/38 the FCA sets out a proposal to amend its guidance in the Disclosure and Transparency Rules (DTR) on delaying the disclosure of inside information.
Specifically, the FCA is proposing to remove the last sentence of DTR2.5.5G (concerning legitimate interests and when delay will not mislead the public) which will clarify that issuers may have a legitimate reason to delay disclosure in circumstances other than the non-exhaustive examples listed in DTR2.5.3R or the circumstances described in DTR2.5.5.AR.
The deadline for comments on CP15/38 is 20 February 2015. Continue Reading CP15/38: Provisions to delay disclosure of inside information within the FCA’s Disclosure and Transparency Rules