On 5 July 2017, the Dutch Minister of Finance (the Minister) published for consultation a draft legislative proposal for the Financial Supervision Funding Act 2019 (Wet bekostiging financieel toezicht 2019) (the Proposed Act).

The Proposed Act is a revised version of the existing Financial Supervision Funding Act (Wet bekostiging financieel toezicht) (the Existing Act) and will replace it entirely. The Existing Act provides for the one-off supervisory costs and ongoing supervisory costs that have to be paid to the Dutch regulatory authorities. The Minister indicates that the Dutch regulatory authorities were provided with new tasks and responsibilities in recent years, which made it necessary to make these amendments to ensure that the costs are in line with current supervisory practice. Importantly, the Proposed Act will not amend the calculating methods of the supervisory costs.

View the Proposed Act (Dutch only), 5 July 2017.

View the Explanatory Memorandum to the Proposed Act (Dutch only), 5 July 2017.