The Regulatory Oversight Committee (ROC) of the Global Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) has published its comments on the launch of the data collection on parent entities in the global LEI system. The LEI ROC welcomes the launch on 1 May 2017 of the collection of information on the direct and ultimate parents of legal entities. The data collected is available since 8 May 2017 on the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation website. A majority of Local Operating Units (LOUs) have implemented parent entity data collection as planned. The LOUs cover more than 82 per cent of managed LEIs. As of 9 May 2017, the other LOUs are still expecting some delays in the implementation of this capability, generally for a few weeks or months. In the meanwhile, the LOUs will continue to manage existing LEIs and to issue new LEIs. However, as of 9 May 2017, no porting of LEIs to those LOUs will be allowed until they implement the parent entity data collection. The ROC will monitor closely their implementation plans and notes that the full implementation of the Interim Global Legal Identity System standards is a condition of LOUs’ future accreditation.

View LEI ROC comments on delays in LOUs implementing parent entity data collection, 9 May 2017